'Avengers: Infinity War' One Scene Could Have Been Very Different
Avengers: Infinity War special effects managers tell how one of the most important scenes in the films would be totally different, much more heartbreaking, with a more philosophical metaphor about the final destiny of many of the superheroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Avengers: Infinity War had such impact between the public and the box office because the end is not equal to the great immensity of superhero films that have been released in previous years. It is, probably, The Empire Strikes Back of our generation, one of the most devastating moments of science fiction cinema.
The film is full of epic scenes but many sad too, as several of the most beloved characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe suffered the worst possible outcome. But there was one scene, a key moment in Infinity War that would be much more heartbreaking than what we ended up seeing in the final cut that hit theaters.
It has been revealed by Dan DeLeeuw of Digital Domain, one of the companies in charge of visual effects of the film, in an interview for Slashfilm. In the scene of the planet Vormir, where the Soul Stone was, it was intended to show Thanos walking through a river of blood, in the form of a metaphor of his future victims after the snap, but in the end another less philosophical path was decided and They chose to offer more context to the viewer: the archenemy of The Avengers with Gamora when she was little.

Avengers: Infinity War had such impact between the public and the box office because the end is not equal to the great immensity of superhero films that have been released in previous years. It is, probably, The Empire Strikes Back of our generation, one of the most devastating moments of science fiction cinema.
The film is full of epic scenes but many sad too, as several of the most beloved characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe suffered the worst possible outcome. But there was one scene, a key moment in Infinity War that would be much more heartbreaking than what we ended up seeing in the final cut that hit theaters.
It has been revealed by Dan DeLeeuw of Digital Domain, one of the companies in charge of visual effects of the film, in an interview for Slashfilm. In the scene of the planet Vormir, where the Soul Stone was, it was intended to show Thanos walking through a river of blood, in the form of a metaphor of his future victims after the snap, but in the end another less philosophical path was decided and They chose to offer more context to the viewer: the archenemy of The Avengers with Gamora when she was little.
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