Netflix is Showing Ads Between Episodes.

Since yesterday, Netflix users from different parts of the world have been reporting the appearance of video advertising within the streaming platform. The announcements are showing between the episodes of the series and although the publicized material is of the own content that the company offers, the users are showing their dissatisfaction in diverse social platforms, the majority in Twitter and Reddit.
Although it is an experiment on the part of the company, the users chosen for this test are not at all satisfied, especially when an error does not allow to skip these announcements to move on to the next chapter. The TechCrunh portal has contacted the company to obtain more information and fortunately there was an immediate response.

Netflix points out that every year they perform hundreds of tests in order to discover features that may be liked by their subscribers. As an example they put one of the functions that were added the previous year in the TV application: the previous ones in video when selecting a content. This addition was very well received by the users, since it is possible to see an advance of the material without the need to reproduce it. It was this that motivated them to continue looking for characteristics related to the previous videos, until they reached the announcements.
Will this advertising be displayed for all users? Netflix points out that everything depends on the usage statistics of each function in the testing phase. If the addition was not sufficiently used by the subscribers the idea is discarded. Seeing the negative reception these ads are having, it is likely that very soon the feature will be completely discarded, or Netflix may decide to rethink its experiment to show it in a different way in the future.
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