Theory suggests Captain Marvel easter egg in 'Civil War'

The president of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, is the brain that is behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it is no secret that he hides Easter eggs in all the films of MCU that later end up having their meaning later. Now, a popular theory of some fans point to a seemingly pointless dialogue in 'Captain America: Civil War' that could actually be a reference to the 'Captain Marvel' movie next year.
When Tony Stark meets Peter Parker in Aunt May's apartment and tells him it's Spider-Man, the web slinger ignores the videos that Tony shows him, comparing him to "that video" before Iron Man interrupts and I asked him: "Oh, you mean those UFOs over Phoenix? "What you may not have noticed, is that it actually makes a reference to The Phoenix Lights, a real event that took place in the skies of Mexico in 1997 when thousands of people saw what they said was a triangular shaped UFO illuminated.
This fan theory suggests that what those passersby really saw was the Kree-Skrull War and Captain Marvel (who has been seen in her red, gold and blue outfit in an official image in a desert-like place). This would mean that he returned to Earth in 1997 after having abandoned it a couple of years earlier. If it is correct, this is an amazing Easter egg.
We will have to wait and see, of course, but we know that the Skrulls want to invade the Earth, so it would make sense that this conflict could occur above Earth only to be discarded as a UFO event. What do you think about this new theory?
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