Theories of the End of 'Avengers: Infinity War'

Avengers: Infinity War has arrived, breaking so many records, it has the highest weekend opening of the entire history, the succefull movie of Marvel.
The Russo Brothers made one of the best movies of the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and they showed to us the best Marvel Villain of the entire franchise.
After the Inconic SNAP of Thanos, the half of the Universe "Died" including, Star-Lord, Bucky, Drax, Groot, Mantis, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, wanda, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and the saddest one, Spider Man (I don't wanna go Mr Stark)
There're a lot of theories on Internet, weird theories and potential spoilers theories.
If you don't want to read this theories because you consider this as potential spoilers, GET OUT OF HERE
Everything is a plan of Doctor Strange.
Okay, this is the theory that when you left the theater, you tought it, Doctor Strange said that he saw 14,000,605 possibilities and The Avengers win just in one.
As we saw in that amazing battle of Thanos Vs Iron Man, Tony almost die in hands of Thanos and the Power Stone, but Doctor Strange stopped him, and he gave the Time Stone to Thanos.
Well in that future, Tony Stark is the key, as we see in the leaked pics of Avengers 4, and probably Nebula is also a key...

The Avengers deads are in the Soul World.
The Russo Brothers confirmed in an Iowa School that the scene after the Thanos' Snap, with the little Gamora, was inside the Soul Stone.
In that scene the Avengers didn't die Yet, so that's the reason why they weren't there.
In the movie we saw how they became in a kind of dust, they basically didn't die, because if they died, their bodies should stay there, that means that they could be inside the Soul Stone, the Soul World called in that way in the comics.

The Avenger tha are alive will sacrifice themselves
Is a little curious that the 'Original Six' are alive? Hawkeye not cofirmed but always in our hearts.
Well this theory says that they're alive beacause they will sacrifice themselves for the next generation, and restore the things that happend after the Snap, how?
In the leaked pics of Avengers 4, we see the Chitaury Invasion in 2012, and The Avengers Alive there, with Ant Man, according to this theory, The Avengers will go trought the portal and exterminate Thanos before he get the first Infinity Stone, here is where the Avengers Will die and the New ones will revive.

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