4 Theories of the 'Survivors' in 'Infinity War'

Infinity War' has almost Three Weeks on theaters, and has broken a lot of records, some of them are "Highest Weekend Box-Office" and "Highest pre-sales in China"
Avengers: Infinity War has excellents critics, and is a succesfull movie, one of the best movies of the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)
As you all should know after seeing Infinity War, Thanos did his iconic SNAP and the half of the universe ceased to exist, incuiding, Star-Lord, Black Panther, Falcon, Wanda, Drax, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Groot (Again), Doctor Strange, Bucky, Mantis, and the saddest one, Spider Man (I don't wanna go Mr Stark)
But there's a part of the Avengers that aren't deads, Why? These theories could answer some questions of Avengers 4.
The Avengers needs a pilot.
The amazing chemistry that Rocket had on screen with Thor and some Avengers, is one of the things why maybe he is alive.
But according to this theory, the Avengers must need to find Thanos in the Space, and "Rabbit" will be their pilot.
This theory could be a little bit unbelievable, because Thor's new weapon can use the byfrost, so... Why the Avengers are going to need a pilot?

Thor is the last member of Asgard's Royal Family
After Loki's death, Thor is now the only Odin's son, and a lot of persons thinks that asgard is dead after Thanos arrived to their ship, but Valkyrie and other asgardians, escaped from it, so this means that Asgard needs a King, after Odin's death, Thor might be a good king.

The Original Six will have reconciliation
After the events of Captain America: Civil War The Avengers broke up "Like a band, like The Beatles" that's the reason why they are not dead, because the Original Six needs to solve their differences and save the Avengers who died after the Snap.

Hawkeye as Ronin
After the Snap, the Half of the Universe disappeared, and maybe a member of the family of Clint Barton, his wife or childrens, this could be a reason to the new haircut and the new suit that Hawkeye has, he's looking for revenge or a way to bting back the member of his family and stop to Thanos.
In the leaked pics of Avengers 4, we can see to hawkeye with a new look, and in other pics we can notice comic Ronin's boots.
We can't see him in Avengers 4 with more relevance bacause he was forgotten in Avengers: Infnity War
If you have not see this movie... Why are you in this blog? and if you already watched it, watch it again, and again , and again.
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