'Avengers 4' Captain Marvel Could Be The Key For The Post-Credits Scenes of 'Ant Man and The Wasp'

A new theory has come to light, after the premiere of "Ant-Man and the Wasp". The post-credit scenes have created an awkward situation for Scot Lang (Ant-Man) and only Captain Marvel will be able to fix everything. Beware, the blog contains spoilers from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we recommend watching the movies to be aware of the situation. Those who have seen "Ant-Man and the Wasp" will know that the hero has been trapped in the Quantum Kingdom, since it could not be extracted because his companions disappeared by the Snap of Thanos, that we saw in Infinity War.

The specialized medium Screen Rant has shared a curious point of view. "In comics, Captain Marvel is no stranger to the Quantum Kingdom," you can read. "The original version of the hero, Captain Mar-Vell, claimed to have found a fold in time and space that allowed him to be transported to the modern world." Avengers 4 would be born from the idea that Captain Marvel is a time traveler, as narrated in the comics. In addition to inhabiting a different dimension to ours. In the next film "Captain Marve l" will be shown scenes from the past of the Marvel world, when Nick Fury just joined the team of S.H.I.E.L.D, this would give answers to some questions that we have for Avengers 4.
Captain Marvel will be released on March 8th 2019
Avengers 4 will be released on April 26th 2019.
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