Everything That You Need Know Before See Avengers: Infinity War

In two weeks, comes one of the most waited movies of 2018, Avengers: Infinity War.
This movie will be the biggest project of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), waited for comic fans, Marvel fans andMuggles normal people.
There are a lot of people that wants see Infinity war before the fans of this film, but they doesn't have any f****n idea of what they're expecting for!
If you are one of these persons or you're a little lost regarding this universe, and other things, here you will now everything that you need to know before watch Avengers: Infinity War
What the f**k are the Infinity Stones?
It's basically the mainly topic of the MCU, what The Avengers are looking for.
These are six singularities that exists before the Big Bang, explained by The Collector in Guardians of The Galaxy, those are older than the universe itself.
Thanos and The Avengers needs to have the Stones to save or destroy the half of the universe.
Thanos already has 4 stones, as we saw in a TV Spot, the Reality Stone, the Soul Stone, the Space Stone, and the Power Stone.
Two stones remains, the Time Stone and the Mind Stone.
Space Stone: Tesseract
Soul Stone: Current location unknow
Reality Stone: Aether, The Collector
Time Stone: Necklace, Doctor Strange
Power Stone: Orb, The Collector
Mind Stone: Vision
Who's mad with who
Iron Man with Captain America
Since Captain America: Civil War, we have not seen these two interact each other, after the Sokovia Accords Captain America has been hide in Wakanda, so with something bigger than them, they must need be a team again.
Aunt May with Peter Parker
After the end of Spider-man: Homecoming, we don't know how Peter Parker and Aunt May are now, but Peter needs be Spiderman for this battle, so we don't know how Aunt May will react.
Black Widow with Bruce Banner
After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, we saw the beginning of a relationship between them, but Bruce Banner went to the space, as we saw in Thor: Ragnarok, without a trace.
Doctor Strange with Thor
After Thor Ragnarok we see how Thor destroys, a little, the Sanctum Sanctorum.
What we are expecting for this movie
Avengers are going to die
This is one of the saddest and maybe interesing things for this movie, because in previous movie, we saw so many deads, but are not important deads or they revive in the same movie or in the next one.
New Captain
The 90 year-old virgin has a new identity after the events of Captain America: Civil War, the NOMAD.
Doctor Strange will be more powerful for this film
Benedict Cumberbatch said in a korean interview that Doctor Stranger will have more power in this film, because he learned how use it.
Pepper Potts is back
Gwyneth Paltrow will be back in Infinity war as Pepper Potts and after the events of Spider-man: Homecoming, she and Tony Stark are foing to be married or close to the wedding
Don't miss Avengers: Infinity War on Aril 27th, without doubt this movie will have a High box-office worldwide

In two weeks, comes one of the most waited movies of 2018, Avengers: Infinity War.
This movie will be the biggest project of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), waited for comic fans, Marvel fans and
There are a lot of people that wants see Infinity war before the fans of this film, but they doesn't have any f****n idea of what they're expecting for!
If you are one of these persons or you're a little lost regarding this universe, and other things, here you will now everything that you need to know before watch Avengers: Infinity War
What the f**k are the Infinity Stones?
It's basically the mainly topic of the MCU, what The Avengers are looking for.
These are six singularities that exists before the Big Bang, explained by The Collector in Guardians of The Galaxy, those are older than the universe itself.

Thanos already has 4 stones, as we saw in a TV Spot, the Reality Stone, the Soul Stone, the Space Stone, and the Power Stone.
Two stones remains, the Time Stone and the Mind Stone.
Space Stone: Tesseract
Soul Stone: Current location unknow
Reality Stone: Aether, The Collector
Time Stone: Necklace, Doctor Strange
Power Stone: Orb, The Collector
Mind Stone: Vision
Who's mad with who
Iron Man with Captain America
Since Captain America: Civil War, we have not seen these two interact each other, after the Sokovia Accords Captain America has been hide in Wakanda, so with something bigger than them, they must need be a team again.
Aunt May with Peter Parker
After the end of Spider-man: Homecoming, we don't know how Peter Parker and Aunt May are now, but Peter needs be Spiderman for this battle, so we don't know how Aunt May will react.
Black Widow with Bruce Banner
After the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron, we saw the beginning of a relationship between them, but Bruce Banner went to the space, as we saw in Thor: Ragnarok, without a trace.
Doctor Strange with Thor
After Thor Ragnarok we see how Thor destroys, a little, the Sanctum Sanctorum.
What we are expecting for this movie
Avengers are going to die
This is one of the saddest and maybe interesing things for this movie, because in previous movie, we saw so many deads, but are not important deads or they revive in the same movie or in the next one.
New Captain
The 90 year-old virgin has a new identity after the events of Captain America: Civil War, the NOMAD.
Doctor Strange will be more powerful for this film
Benedict Cumberbatch said in a korean interview that Doctor Stranger will have more power in this film, because he learned how use it.
Pepper Potts is back
Gwyneth Paltrow will be back in Infinity war as Pepper Potts and after the events of Spider-man: Homecoming, she and Tony Stark are foing to be married or close to the wedding
Don't miss Avengers: Infinity War on Aril 27th, without doubt this movie will have a High box-office worldwide
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