6 superheros (and villains) that deserves their movie!
TThere're a lot of upcoming movies in the next years, we're so excited to see those, but you cold think that are a couple of unnecessary movies (*cought* Black Widow *cought*)
Well, now you'll see those superheros (and villains) that deserves their solo movie or serie.
The HYPE would be big if these movies are released, or at least cameos of some of this characters that we have not seen.
1. Nightwing
We know that the Robin's suit that we saw in Batman Vs. Superman is Jason Todd's suit. We know that Dick Grayson is the first Robin, it means that, if Warner Bros follows this story accord to DC comics, Nightwing exists in the DCEU, he will be in Titans serie interpreted by Brenton Thwaite but we want see his solo movie, obviusly with Batman, Joker, Jason Todd (flashbacks), etc.
2. the Joker
Why so serious? You don't like this choice? Jared Leto is a horrible actor to play Joker in his solo movie? Well, I want to see a Joker origins movie, in the comics the Joker doesn't have a origin, the past year we heard about Leonardo DiCaprio potraying the Joker, but we haven't heard anything about it.
The joker of Jared Leto is so critized, a lot of people dislike him as the joker, that's the reason why Warner and Matt Reeves were interested in Jake Gyllehaal potraying Joker, but again, we haven't heard anything regarding it.
3. Hawkeye
Okay, he maybe doesn't deserves a movie, it could be unnecessary, but at least he deserves his own serie or mini-serie, just relating the origins of Clint Barton, the Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel can tell that past with a serie of 7 episodes.
He was in Thor, he was in New York, Sokovia, in the Civil War, and he will be in Infinity War against Thanos, he should have a little serie about his training, how he meet his wife, how he was recluited by S.H.I.E.L.D, those questions should have an answer.
Nova, Richard Rider, the teenager who received something that, when he wears it, he's a superhero, this is so similar to Green Lantern, but is Marvel; they could make a better movie of a copy than the original one.
In GotG we saw the NOVA Corps, that they feeds of NOVA, maybe in GotG vol 3 we will see more of this superhero, but in the Phase 4 of Marvel he deserves a movie.
5. The Maximoff Brothers
Maybe you're like WTF? but there's a past that we don't know, Marvel could show us their dark past with a little serie of ABC, not the best visual effects, but with a good story, good drama, and comedy in specific moments this serie could be AWESOME, why they were in that experiment? How they got those powers? Where is their family? Those are the questions that the serie could anwser.
Disney is the owner of part of FOX, so what will do Disney with two Quicksilvers, we don't know, but probably Quicksilver will return in Avengers: Infinity war or Avengers 4.
6. Miles Morales
Miles Morales, the Spider-man of 13 years-old, that is an idol to a lot of people, he deserves his own movie, we know that he exists in the MCU because Aaron Davis, potrayed by Donald Glover, was talking with Spider-man,with the interrogation mode activated, he said "I have a nephew" (talking about Miles)
And in a deleted scene of Spider-man: Homecoming he says "Sorry Miles"
We have the hope that in Spiderman 2 we have a little cameo of participation of other Spider-man!
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[At least a cameo]
- Adam Warlock
In the post-credit scene of Guardians of the galaxy vol.2 we see to Ayesha saying "I will call him... Adam". That's an obvious reference to Adam Warlock.
In the comics, Adam Warlock is the "person" who has the Soul Stone, the last Infinity Stone that the Avengers needs, with at least a cameo with the Guardians this could be a great way to find the last stone, but... James Gunn confirmed that Adam will not be in Infinity War, this means that, as we guess, the Sould Stone is in Wakanda.
Well, we need more participation of Adam Warlock in the MCU!

A lot of fans has the hope that these movies will be announced and released some day, but we have not news that if this is in pre-production or production.
But well which movies / series do you think that could be awesome and bores for the MCU and DCEU?
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